From Our Archives: Music During Sefirah
April 7, 2010 by Shlomo Brody
Filed under From Our Archives, New Posts
In 2008, Rabbi Moshe Bleich published in Tradition (41:1) a survey of halakhic positions regarding listening to music during the period of Sefirat ha-Omer (and the three weeks), which led to further correspondence between him and Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot regarding Rabbi Soloveitchik’s opinion. In addition to the positions cited in the article, one should add the recently [...]
Tradition 42:3 (Fall 2009), Including Article by Rabbi Michael Broyde on Women’s Hair Covering
December 1, 2009 by Shlomo Brody
Filed under Tradition
Tradition 42:3 (Fall 2009) Editor’s Note: The Teacher of Morality at Horwich Beach by Shalom Carmy Abarbanel: Commentator and Teacher Celebrating 500 Years of His Influence on Tanakh Study by Hayyim Angel When Torah and Science Collide by Nathan Aviezer A Note on The Flood Story in the Language of Man by Joel Wolowelsky Survey [...]