Saturday, July 27th, 2024

Select Writings in Tradition about Academic Bible Study

July 30, 2013 by  
Filed under New Posts, Tanach

Below you will find links to various articles written in Tradition over the years relating to modern Bible study. – Shlomo Brody “Biblical Criticism” by Max Kapustin Tradition 3:1 (Fall 1960) “Orthodox Reactions to the Challenge of Bible Criticism”  Steven Shaw  - Tradition 10:3 (Spring 1969) Scientific Method and Biblical Study – Isaac Boaz Gottlieb (11:1, [...]

Tradition 45:4 (Winter 2012) Now Available Online

February 17, 2013 by  
Filed under New Posts, Tradition

Editor’s Note: The Lost Childhood of Doeg by Shalom Carmy Ancient Sources, Modern Problems: A Methodological Analysis of Rashi’s Position on Brainstem Death by Daniel Reifman Unmasking an Odd-Sounding Purim Custom: A Theory by Akiva Males My Long Lonely Journey to the Rav by Yisrael Kashkin An Unorthodox Step Toward Revelation: Leon Kass on Genesis Revisited [...]

Tradition 45:2 Now Available Online! Featuring Two Articles on the Philosophy of Rav Shagar

September 2, 2012 by  
Filed under New Posts

‘Good and Very Good’: Moderation and Extremism in the Scheme of Creation by Norman Lamm As We Are Now is Not The Only Way to Be: On the Place of the Humanities in Contemporary Religious Culture by Shalom Carmy Torah Study for Contemporary Times: Conservatism or Revolution? by Yair Dreyfus ‘And Now the Child Will [...]

Halakha and Kabbalah: Rabbi Joseph Karo’s Shulchan Aruch and Magid Mesharim by Shlomo Brody

December 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Halakha, New Posts

Amongst the great kabbalists and legalists produced in 16th century Safed, R. Yosef Karo clearly stands out as one of, if not the, most influential figure.  Though his legal compendium Bet Yosef and code Shulchan Aruch, Karo helped shape the course of halakha for the next five centuries.  Karo produced these works while the Zohar’s [...]

The Kosher Switch: A Response from the Tzomet Institute’s Rabbi Yisrael Rosen

September 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Halakha, New Posts

The rabbinic world and blogosophere (see, for example, here) has been abuzz about the propriety of the Kosher Switch, which its producers claim allows one to halakhically turn on and off lights on shabbat.  Attached here is the Hebrew response of Rabbi Yisrael Rosen, the prominent engineer who heads the Tzomet Institute, which includes (signed) [...]

From Our Archives: Shavuot and BeHa’alotcha

June 6, 2011 by  
Filed under From Our Archives, New Posts

Particularly appropriate for this week is a close reading of the Humash by Rabbi Zvi Grumet.  Rabbi Grumet’s article, “WITHIN AND WITHOUT OUR ENCAMPMENT IN THE DESERT: The Ambivalent Acceptance of a Biblical Convert” (Spring 1994 28:3), examines the account of Moshe’s conversations with his father-in-law, in which they discuss the latter’s conversion to a [...]

From Our Archives: Yom Yerushalayim by Yonatan Kohn

May 31, 2011 by  
Filed under New Posts, Philosophy

  On the eve of Yom Yerushalayim, it is only natural to reflect upon the monumental events of the Six Day War and their wider implications.  Tradition published two symposia surrounding the theological implications of the war and the larger issue of G-d’s hand in history.  The first, published in the summer of 1968, takes [...]

From Our Archives: In Memory of Rabbi Dr. Aaron Levine by Yonatan Kohn

May 22, 2011 by  
Filed under New Posts

This past week marked the shloshim for Rabbi Dr. Aaron Levine, an Associate Editor of Tradition, the Samson and Halina Bitensky Professor of Economics at Yeshiva University, and spiritual leader of the Young Israel of Avenue J, Brooklyn, NY. Yeshiva University’s Rabbi Daniel Rapp wrote a touching tribute, available here.  Rabbi Dr. Levine was widely [...]

The Ben Ish Hai and Women’s Hair Covering: An Interesting Case of Censorship? by Jacob Sasson

May 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Halakha, New Posts

While the nature of the obligation for married women to cover their hair has long been a subject of debate, most poskim agree that some degree of obligation exists, regardless of time or place.  Nonetheless, a number of poskim have dissented from that conventional position for a variety of reasons.  In the past several years, [...]

From Our Archives: Religious Responses to Jewish Statehood by Immanuel Jakobovits

May 6, 2011 by  
Filed under From Our Archives, New Posts

Responses to Jewish Statehood (Fall 1982)  by Immanuel Jakobovits In his article, the late Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, z”l, seeks to identify the different streams of Orthodox Jewry in relation to their stance on the modern State of Israel.  His survey, anchored in robust print sources, outlines the major perspectives on [...]

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