Saturday, July 27th, 2024

Select Writings in Tradition about Academic Bible Study

July 30, 2013 by  
Filed under New Posts, Tanach

Below you will find links to various articles written in Tradition over the years relating to modern Bible study.

- Shlomo Brody

“Biblical Criticism” by Max Kapustin Tradition 3:1 (Fall 1960)

Orthodox Reactions to the Challenge of Bible Criticism”  Steven Shaw  - Tradition 10:3 (Spring 1969)

Scientific Method and Biblical Study – Isaac Boaz Gottlieb (11:1, Spring 1970)

A Room with a View, but a Room of Our Own“ by Shalom Carmy (28:3, Spring 1994)

Homer and the Bible“ by Shalom Carmy (41:4, 2008)

The Bible as Literature – Moshe J. Bernstein (31:2, Winter 1997)

Rabbi Mordechai Breuer and Modern Orthodox Biblical Commentary by Meir Ekstein (33:3, Spring 1999)

Torat Hashem Temimah: The Contributions of Rav Yoel Bin-Nun to Religious Tanakh Study by Hayyim Angel (40:3, Fall 2007)

Book Review: Created Equal by Joshua Berman Reviewed by Shawn Zelig Aster (42:4, Winter 2009)

Don Isaac Abarbanel: Who Wrote the Books of the Bible by Eric Lawee (30:2, Winter 1996)

The Biblical Stories of Creation, Garden of Eden and the Flood: Story or Metaphor? by Shubert Spero (33:2, Winter 1999)

A Note on the Flood Story in the Language of Man by Joel Wolowelsky  (42:3 Fall 2009)

Making the Bible Come to Life:  Biblical Archaeology and the Teaching of Tanakh in Jewish Schools by Lawrence Schiffman (37:4)

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