Bringing the Geulah Through Mekhirat Chametz by Daniel Z. Feldman
March 28, 2010 by Daniel Z. Feldman
Filed under Halakha, Holidays, New Posts
Mekhirat chametz sometimes gets a bad rap. The widespread practice of observant Jews selling their chametz to a non-Jew prior to Pesach, and thus avoiding the prohibitions of bal yeraeh and bal yematze while preserving the chametz for repossession after Pesach, is sometimes seen as a way of not having one’s cake and eating it [...]
Of Miketz, Menorahs, and Majesty
December 16, 2009 by Daniel Z. Feldman
Filed under Holidays, Tanach
Of Miketz, Menorahs, and Majesty By Daniel Z. Feldman Halakhic Inquiries Regarding Yosef’s Behavior The release of Yosef from prison, a moment of great drama and emotion, has also been the subject of halakhic inquiry. Some rishonim note, in light of the fact that his release took place on Rosh HaShanah[1], it is surprising that Yosef [...]