The Ben Ish Hai and Women’s Hair Covering: An Interesting Case of Censorship? by Jacob Sasson
May 16, 2011 by Shlomo Brody
Filed under Halakha, New Posts
While the nature of the obligation for married women to cover their hair has long been a subject of debate, most poskim agree that some degree of obligation exists, regardless of time or place. Nonetheless, a number of poskim have dissented from that conventional position for a variety of reasons. In the past several years, [...]
Tradition 42:3 (Fall 2009), Including Article by Rabbi Michael Broyde on Women’s Hair Covering
December 1, 2009 by Shlomo Brody
Filed under Tradition
Tradition 42:3 (Fall 2009) Editor’s Note: The Teacher of Morality at Horwich Beach by Shalom Carmy Abarbanel: Commentator and Teacher Celebrating 500 Years of His Influence on Tanakh Study by Hayyim Angel When Torah and Science Collide by Nathan Aviezer A Note on The Flood Story in the Language of Man by Joel Wolowelsky Survey [...]