New Tradition
June 6, 2010 by Shlomo Brody
Filed under New Posts, Tradition
- Editor’s Note: A Peshat In the Dark: Reflections on the Age of Cary Grant by Shalom Carmy
- Self Dealing in the Not-For-Profit Board Room: An Inquiry into a Trustee’s Multi-Faceted Halakhic Identity by A. Yehuda Warburg
- On Rationalizing Biblical Tum’a by Shlomo Spiro
- On the Methodology of Jewish Medical Ethics by Alan Jotkowitz
- Short Selling and Jewish Law by Aaron Levine
- Survey of Recent Halakhic Periodical Literature: Sacrificing the Few to Save the Many by J. David Bleich
- Communications: The Flood Story, Torah and Science
- Shlomo Brody
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