Tradition 45:3 (Fall 2012) Now Available Online
Vol. 45, No. 3: Fall 2012
- Editor’s Note: Why Hats Are Wasted On The Young: An Essay in Practical Theodicy by Shalom Carmy
- Yehuda Halevi and the Philosophical Use of Metaphor by Shubert Spero
- The Amida’s Biblical and Historical Roots: Some New Perspectives by Allen Friedman
- American Orthodoxy’s Lukeworm Embrace of the Hirschian Legacy 1850-1939 by Zev Eleff
- The Propriety of Awarding A Nezikin Claim By Beit Din on Behalf of an Agunah by A. Yehuda Warburg
- Resurrection and Personal Identity by J. David Bleich
- From the Pages of Tradition: Faigel Dem Rov’s by Joseph Foxman by Shnayer Z. Leiman
- Communications (Shmuel Jablon and Yitzchak Blau on the SMS Responsa of Rabbi Shlomo Aviner)