Monday, January 20th, 2025

Parashat Noach: A Paradigm Shift in the Understanding of Human Nature by Yaakov Bieler

October 27, 2011 by  
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The Divine Commitment never again to bring global devestation via a flood. Although Noach and his family are saved from the devastation of the Flood due to Noach’s virtuous attributes, as objectively attested to by the Tora[1] and then restated by HaShem Himself,[2] it would appear from Beraishit 8:21 that whether or not Noach’s descendents [...]

Parashat Beraishit: The First Penitent? by Yaakov Bieler

October 18, 2011 by  
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Penitence in the Tora’s first Parasha. Emerging from the intense period of repentance and atonement that began with the month of Elul, we should be particularly sensitive to apparent acts of “Teshuva”, as well as their noticeable absence, in the Parashiot with which the Tora begins.[1] With respect to Parashat Beraishit, on the one hand, [...]

Parashat Ve-Zot Ha-Beracha: The Torah’s Coda by Yaakov Bieler

October 18, 2011 by  
Filed under New Posts

The significance of the last verses of the Tora. Since Parashat  VeZot HaBeracha is the final Parasha of the Tora, it contains the final words of the Tora, which would logically serve as the summation of not only the book of Devarim but all that comes before it as well. Here are the Tora’s final [...]