Law vs. Philosophy?: A Maimonidean Teleology of Halacha by Elliot M. Salinger
August 17, 2010 by Elliot Salinger
Filed under New Posts, Philosophy
Indubitably, the הלכה is the force which affects us as religious Jews more than any other. Both in its study and practice, the הלכה has immense control over our day to day lives and long term beliefs, values, and decisions. Consequently, it behooves us to ask the question: what is the telos of the הלכה? [...]
Halacha and Autonomous Religiosity: What’s the Problem? by Gidon Rothstein
May 26, 2010 by Gidon Rothstein
Filed under Halakha, New Posts, Philosophy
I first heard of Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo over twenty years ago, when I was a semicha student and he was already a well-known teacher of Torah in Yerushalayim. I mention that because as I come to comment on his recent cri de coeur– “The Future and the Spirit of Halacha: Unconventional Thoughts in Relation [...]