From Our Archives: Pesach
March 28, 2010 by Shlomo Brody
Filed under Books of Interest, New Posts
The Ten Plagues by Norman Fredman (20:4, Winter 1982)
Rav Safra and the Second Festival Day: Lessons About the Evolution of the Jewish Calendar by J. Jean Ajdler (38:4, Winter 2004)
The Odd and Instructive Habits of Non-Observant Jews: A Look at Berit Milah and Pesah by Emanuel Feldman (41:2, Summer 2008)
Review Essay: Digesting the Exodus Narrative - Rav Soloveitchik’s Approach to the Seder Eve by Daniel Wolf (41:4, Winter 2008)
Chag Kasher Ve-Sameach,
Shlomo Brody
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