Wednesday, October 9th, 2024

Corrections to Tradition 42:2

October 4, 2009 by  
Filed under Tradition

From the Tradition Editorial Team:

Tradition apologizes to Dr. David Shatz and its readers for errors that appeared in the printed version of Dr. Shatz’s reply to letters in vol. 42, no. 2 (Summer 2009). Dr. Shatz was not made aware that changes were made in his reply, resulting in these errors. 

On p. 110, line 13, the dash should be deleted.
On p. 111, line 11, the last words should read “who is imputing falsehoods to the text.”
On pp. 112-113, the term “Modern Orthodoxy” was mistakenly placed in italics nine times, eight in the top paragraph on p. 113.
On p. 115, line 18, “already denied Rambam part of this twofold assertion” should be replaced with “already denied the Rambam part of this twofold assertion” (that is, denied one part of the twofold assertion, namely, the part that referred to Rambam).

The current PDF online has been updated to correct these errors.

It should also be noted that Dr. Baruch Brody’s article was originally delivered as a paper to the Orthodox Forum.

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