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Balancing the Necessity and Abhorrence of Violence: Of Terrorists and Amalek by Gidon Rothstein

Posted By Gidon Rothstein On February 5, 2010 @ 8:03 am In Halakha,New Posts,Philosophy | 8 Comments

Balancing the Necessity and Abhorrence of Violence: Of Terrorists and Amalek 

Tu B’Shvat goes by, a holiday that continues to grow in popularity, especially as the environmental movement takes further hold (we hope), as we become more aware of our relationship with the earth.  With its passing, not to be seen again until next year, we begin to look forward to Purim, another holiday that is justly popular, since it calls for raucous celebration, a good time to be had by all.

Just before Purim, we face one of the underbellies of Judaism, a set of ideas so challenging to our Westernized sensibilities that many of us choose to ignore it, slough it aside, sweep it under our ideological rug.  I speak, of course, of the obligation to wipe out Amalek, an obligation that, in the Torah’s presentation, would require us to kill not only combatants but noncombatants, women, and children, seemingly for their genetic flaw of being members of Amalek.

This discomfort leads to an odd situation in which many Jews strive mightily to fulfill the obligation to remember Amalek—which is why many synagogues have multiple extra readings of Parashat Zachor, of the section of the Torah that refers to the commandment to wipe out Amalek, so that absolutely everyone who wants to can hear the reading—even as they, in conversation, make clear their discomfort with the basic ideas underlying that reading.

I don’t need to confront the deepest difficulties of this mitzvah to note that we fail to recognize elements of it that would allow us to feel instantly more comfortable with it.  I start from an interesting note in a recent New York Times Magazine article.   As the Times reported it, several of President Obama’s top advisers assert that the President considers his speech in Cairo, where he began the process of rebuilding ties to the Arab world, as a crucial part of his counterterrorism strategy.  For the President, in other words, fostering an atmosphere in which terrorism is less attractive is part of winning the battle against it.

Others have greater expertise and interest in evaluating the accuracy of that view in contemporary realities, but the idea offers us another way to look at the mitzvah of wiping out Amalek.  First, I should note how theoretical this conversation would seem to be: we do not currently know of Amalek as a nation and, furthermore, are probably only obligated to wipe out Amalek once we have a return of a king to the Jewish people.

Amalek: An Obligation to Kill?

Before I offer strategies that might make the mitzvah less morally problematic, I want to note that it is an obligation, so that a Jew cannot really say, “Well, I would never do that.”  As with every other obligation, it is the responsibility of all those so commanded to strive to prepare themselves to fulfill it should the opportunity arise.  Just as we strive to study Torah better, to refrain from slandering others, and to be honest in our business practices, observant Jews have no choice but to say, “If I were in the situation, I hope I would have the courage to fulfill God’s command.”

And yet, that does not mean that we should embrace the difficulty, or moral challenge, of a mitzvah where there is no need.  What is too-little mentioned regarding this mitzvah is that it is not an obligation to kill all those born to Amalek, it is an obligation to eradicate those who insist on maintaining their identification as Amalek.

For all rishonim, this does not include members of Amalek who convert to Judaism. That this is so puts us on the path to realizing that the obligation looks to Amalek as a national unit, as a representative of a certain set of ideas; those who abandoned that identification and became Jewish would bear no liability for the accident of their birth.

Rambam takes this idea a step further.  Based on how Yehoshua treated the Givonites, he suggests that even if members of Amalek were willing to commit to observing the Noahide laws and to accept a subservient role to the Jewish people, that, too, would suffice.

Rambam does not explain his reasoning, but it seems to me to go thus: The Torah blames Amalek (Devarim 25;18) for אשר קרך בדרך, which literally means that he met you on the road. Among the interpretations he cites, Rashi there, however, cites an idea found in Pesikta Rabbati, that reads קרך as “cooled you off.”  In this reading, Amalek showed the nations of the world that the Jews were not as fearsome as the Exodus and Splitting of the Sea had made them, since they could be engaged in battle and even temporarily defeated.

Assuming Rambam knew of that interpretation, it seems to me that he might be suggesting that Amalek’s lasting guilt derives from how they derailed the Divine plan for history. Before Amalek came along, the Jews were rolling along, on the road to take over the Land of Israel unopposed, to go in a line, however winding, from the Exodus to the building of the Temple, establishing God’s rule of the world.  With the attack by Amalek, much of that veneer was blown off of the Jewish people, and the task of establishing God’s Rule became more complicated.  It would be for that reason that God declares war on Amalek for all generations.

If so, Rambam would argue, as long as members of Amalek were willing to rectify that sin, by not only accepting the laws all  non-Jews are required to accept but by declaring their subservience to God’s people, there would be no need to commit violence.

And it is here that President Obama’s idea becomes interesting.  As a believing Jew, I recognize my obligation to wipe out Amalek, should we ever find them again.  But I would greatly prefer not to have to, as should be true of all Jews.  Just for example, in one of the most well-known Mishnayot in all of Shas, courts are expected to apply the death penalty only very rarely, no more than once every seven or seventy years.[1] [1]  So, too, in another justly famous Midrash, one reason offered for saying on a partial Hallel after the first days of Pesach is that our joy cannot be complete given the suffering of the Egyptians in the course of the process.

Balancing that, although less trumpeted, is the recognition that harsh reactions, including killing, are sometimes necessary.  The Levites earn their special status by being ready to join Moshe Rabbenu in killing those who worshiped the Golden Calf (an episode I delve into in my recent Cassandra Misreads the Book of Samuel); Saul loses the kingship for being insufficiently ready to kill those who need killing.  And yet, even there, after that episode of killing, it becomes the Levites eternal mission to teach the Jewish people, in the hopes that we can preempt the need for any such further punishments.

The Pre-Battle to Avoid Having to Kill

Our preference for peace in spite of the occasional necessity of violence argues in favor of exactly the kind of approach the President took in Cairo.  Suppose, for example, we were to once again be able to identify Amalek and also had, or were on the verge of having, a national government that could qualify as obligated to lead the Jewish people in a war on Amalek.  Which would we prefer, to fight and kill all of them, including women and children, and destroy all their property, or find a way to convince them to convert (for Rabad) or accept the Noahide laws and make peace with us (for Rambam)?

The answer is clearly the second, but that is not an option that will occur on its own.  Whoever Amalek is, then, we need to prepare ourselves for two kinds of battle, the physical battle should it prove necessary, but before that, the battle to win over hearts and minds, as the phrase goes, so that members of Amalek would be ready and willing to take the actions that help us avoid having to go to war with them.

This is true if Amalek is a genetic characteristic, but even more so if it is an ideological one. Rabbi Soloveitchik, zt”l, often spoke of his family tradition that Amalek included all those who have ideologies that seek the destruction of Torah and the Jewish people.  In his time, that meant Nazism and Communism (at least of the Soviet variety).  I suspect were he alive today, he would include radical Islamic fundamentalism, but we cannot know.  Nor, I should emphasize, can we know how literally he meant this; there are rumors that he limited it only to soldiers and other combatants, which would mean he did not see all such nations as members of Amalek.

Even going only as far as that gives us further reason to recognize why the ideological battle becomes so significant. Granting that we would have to kill many people whom we would prefer not to, would we not therefore invest our energies in trying to insure that those ideologies not spread?

The truth of Judaism, it seems to me, is as President Obama’s Cairo speech suggests for terrorism: there are evils we as Jews need to eradicate and will do our best to eradicate when we have the opportunity, if necessary by force and violence.  And yet it is our great preference to do so by rendering such violence superfluous, by winning the ideological battle so preemptively that we are never again forced to kill anyone, Jew or non-Jew, but can all live together in a peace that moves us ever closer to the truths of the universe.

[1] [2] mMakkot 1;10.

8 Comments (Open | Close)

8 Comments To "Balancing the Necessity and Abhorrence of Violence: Of Terrorists and Amalek by Gidon Rothstein"

#1 Comment By Steve Brizel On February 5, 2010 @ 11:44 am

WADR, the above post struck me as an exercise in apologetics to a certain liberal/academic/cultural and pacifist oriented post Vietnam elite that fails to understand that evil should not be allowed to grow and fester in the world. RYBS in Out of the Whirlwind ( or The Emergence of Ethical Man) clearly stated that the verses in Koheles that posit there are times for war and peace, etc, stated that there are times when evil must be eradicated, whether in the political, medical or other realms. At times, as General Sherman pointed out “war is hell”, but as George Will has aptly mentioned, if we applied today’s media standards to the American Civil War, we would still have slavery in the US. I believe that we err in apologizing for the existence of the mitzvah and in sounding squeamish as to its application to enemies that use civilian populations and facilities as well as adults and minors in civilian clothes and that have no hesitation in seeking to bring terror to Israel and the US.

#2 Comment By Gidon Rothstein On February 6, 2010 @ 4:34 pm

Well, yes and no. I tried hard to be clear that if we had to, of course we would completely destroy Amalek by killing all involved. But I happen to think that we all should prefer wiping out Amalek in less violent ways (such as by their all converting to Judaism, or, for Rambam, accepting subservience to the Jews and the 7 Noahides). Couldn’t we all agree that, not because of squeamishness but because that’s how Hashem prefers the world, it would be better to wipe out Amalek one of those two ways? Wouldn’t it have been better if Paroh let the Jews go and fully accepted Hashem’s rule (wholeheartedly) than the Makkot? I really don’t think this is apologetics; it’s a reminder that “maasei yadai tovim bayam ve-atem omrim shirah” means that violence may be necessary, but it’s never pleasant or preferred.

#3 Comment By Steve Brizel On February 6, 2010 @ 9:14 pm

WADR, the world that we live in is neither patterned on “Woodstock” nor “Imagine” and does not allow for such preferences. The dream of mass conversion or the acceptance of the Noachide Mitzvos is a wonderful idea but one which remains at best eschatological in nature-i.e., Hilchas LMeshicha, with as much present hope for the same happening as the outlawing of war by treaty achieving such a reality.

As far as Pharoah is concerned, the Torah records that he was given multiple opportunities, but refused to let the Jewish People go because of his meglomanical personality and belief in his own deity and divinity-a model that the Jewish People and the peoples of the world have experienced all too often in this world. Pharoah remains the model of a leader who God to inflict plagues upon his country by Himself to remind the world that man does not run this world.

I would suggest that if we were to look into Chasidic thought, we would find a lot of discussion on the Amalek that is present in every Jew and the factors that prevent each of us from unifying the spiritual and material aspects of our personalities and “cool off” our ardor for Avodas HaShem.

#4 Comment By Gidon Rothstein On February 7, 2010 @ 4:19 am

I don’t know why hoping for better outcomes in the future is “Woodstock”-y, nor do Paroh’s failures change the nature of the ideal we hope for. And, if you ask me, we every day shape the kind of Mashiach we will eventually get. My point was that we should be thinking about this stuff all the time. And, whatever Chasidus says about how we should change ourselves, it is metaphorical regarding Amalek; I was speaking of actual Amalek and what we could do on that front.

#5 Comment By Daniel Ben-Asher On February 14, 2010 @ 9:14 am

Regarding “actual Amalek,” Sir, I must agree with Steve Brizel, in the sense that I think that you are trying to look at Torah through foreign eyes, if you will. What I mean is that your way of thinking and seeing the world is through American eyes. For “Americans” there is nothing wrong with this, but you are literally a son of Israel, and you should try to remove the veil from your eyes. Here in Eretz Yisrael, it is very very clear who represents Amalek. Our cousins, with their society that exalts death and the wholesale murder of Jews of all ages and types form a chain that leads all the way to distant Persia, to a man who is trying to build the Bomb. This man funds those who storm kindergardens with automatic weapons and explode themselves at Pessah seders. If this is not clear to you, something is wrong. Regarding Cairo… if you know who Amalek is, and you know who Am Yisrael is, then you need to examine each country and examine where thier loyalties fall, and why.

Finally, I quote from your previous response:
“Wouldn’t it have been better if Paroh let the Jews go and fully accepted Hashem’s rule (wholeheartedly) than the Makkot?”

#6 Comment By Daniel Ben-Asher On February 14, 2010 @ 9:21 am


Regarding your quote:

Dont forget that HaShem hardened Paros heart; he had no choice but refuse Moshe Rabeynu. Clearly HaShem did not want Paro to hold hands with Moshe Rabeynu and sing songs of friendship. After all, if that happened, then Am Yisrael would have stayed in Egypt, and we would never have been lead out, and all that came with that! No Torah, No Eretz Yisael…Nothing. So you see, when you look with your American eyes, you see the situation from such an incorrect angle. Return to your roots.

Thank you.

#7 Comment By Gidon Rothstein On February 14, 2010 @ 5:07 pm

Fascinating. I didn’t say we’d sing songs with Paro, I said that Paro would admit that God rules the world and let the Jews leave. And if we see Amalek today, again, it would clearly be better if they came to realize they were wrong and accept our view of the world. That doesn’t mean to be Pollyannaish or to assume they’re better than they are, but to recognize that, if we could, we’d rather build a world without violence than with. You may be right that it’s impossible right now, and that we have to act forcefully to defeat our enemies; if so, we have to do it without hesitation and with all necessary force, but it is almost disturbing that so many people think that’s the ideal, from a Jewish perspective. Is it the ideal to kill murderers (as the Torah says) or not to have murderers to begin with? To kill idol worshippers or not to have any to begin with? To wipe out a city that worships idols or not to have such a city? To kill Sabbath violators, or not to have them to begin with? These are internal Jewish values, not American or Western ones– violence may be necessary, but it’s rarely if ever preferred.

#8 Comment By Daniel Ben-Aher On February 20, 2010 @ 10:45 pm

Well, you’re certainly right, in the sense that it would definitely be preferable to have peace, and it would surely be wonderful if the world was not full of people who fervently march in the path of Amalek…However, this is simply not the reality. HaShem has apparently decreed that during these current times, Amalek will not only be present, but will clash with us at every opportunity. Although this may not be the “preferred reality,” it is the only reality in which we live. Certainly we can wish that the current reality was not so, but this will not change the facts on the ground. On a similar vein, it would be much better if murderers didn’t exist – but they do. Not only do they exist, but they MUST exist – as I’m sure you know, if there was no choice to do evil, then there would be no choice to do good, and we would have no path to cleave to HaShem – indeed, we would be as angels, with no free will. If we had no free will, then we would have no reason to live, as well as no Torah. I guess the bottom line is that although we may wish for reality to be different, that does not make it so; we must devote our energies to finding solutions and just paths within the current reality, not waste our time fantasizing about “how nice it would be if…”

Thank you.

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