Our Writers Respond: The Component Issues of a Traditional Jewish Womanhood by Gidon Rothstein
March 9, 2010 by Gidon Rothstein
Filed under Jewish Culture, New Posts, Our Writers Respond
You know that moment in a conversation where you begin to suspect that the two of you see the world so differently, it might not even be possible to have an intelligible exchange? I do, very well; I once, years ago, deeply offended a congregant and friend when, in the middle of a discussion of [...]
New Tradition
March 8, 2010 by Shlomo Brody
Filed under New Posts, Tradition
Tradition Vol. 42, No. 4, Winter 2009 Editor’s Note: Fear of Flesh and Blood by Shalom Carmy Jewish Philanthropy – Whither? by Aharon Lichtenstein Is Courage a Jewish Value by Yitzchak Blau From the Pages of Tradition: Benzion Katz: Mrs. Baba Bathra by Shnayer Z. Leiman Survey of Recent Halakhic Periodical Literature: Medical and Cosmetic [...]
The Legacy of Polemics: Microphones on Shabbat, Metzitzah, and the Rabbah Ordination by Shlomo Brody
March 7, 2010 by Shlomo Brody
Filed under Halakha, Jewish Culture, New Posts
I personally have no gripes with polemics playing a role in socio-legal discourse within the Jewish community. I think it is inevitable, given the sociological reality of Jewish history, and occasionally it is appropriate, given larger religious goals. 1 I do believe, however, that one has to be very careful with the terminology used, and [...]